COSUENDA was the residence town of the López de Ansó famIly, maternal ancestors of PILAR BAYONA

Cosuenda is located in the fields of Cariñena, on the slopes of the Sierra de Algairén.


  CEIDA STREET, c 1920
López de Ansó house: first on the right


Lopez de Ansó family was originally from the Valle de Hecho. A branch of this family settled in Cosuenda in the 18th century, coming from Tauste. They dedicated themselves to viticulture and distillery.


 In Cosuenda there is more than one house with the López de Ánsó coat of arms over the door. This lineage received the category of Infanzonía in 1797.




We have been able to prepare the family tree of the maternal ancestry branch of Pilar Bayona.




At some point, the branch of Pilar Bayona's ancestors established their home at 25 Zeida (Ceida?) Street.


  Gregorio López de Ansó Pascual and his wife Micaela Gascón Roa lived here; their children were Sara, Pilar, Antonia and César. Photography c. 1888


Sara López de Ansó married Julio Bayona Minguella, a science teacher in Zaragoza, in 1896, and her first daughter was Pilar Bayona.

  Julio Bayona Minguella with his daughter Pilar Bayona. c. 1900   Sara López de Ansó Gascón with her daughter Pilar Bayona. c. 1901  

At the end of the 19th century, Sara's other two sisters also married, and the Cosuenda house was left in the care of the sharecroppers, the Lorente family. c. 1920



The Bayona/López de Ansó family, residing in Zaragoza, frequented Cosuenda, with family and various friends.

      Matilde Bayona Minguella, Sara López de Ansó, Julio Bayona Minguella, Carmen Bayona, Javiera de la Torre, Pilar Tejero, ?, Julio Bayona, Concha Tejero, Pilar Bayona, ?, ?. 1924.  

Once Julio and Sara died, Pilar and her two brothers, Julio and Carmen, continued visiting Cosuenda, and spending periods of time at their house

  Pilar and Carmen Bayona in front of their house with some neighbors. c. 1920   Pilar Bayona in the threshing floor with Cosuenda in the background, and some field workers, 1942  
Pilar and Julio Bayona with neighbors and friends. 1942 Pilar Bayona with her sister Carmen, the Floan couple, and a friend from Cosuenda. 1965
  Pilar Bayona and her nephew Antonio. Behind Elías Cequiel and José María Lorente. 1968   Pilar Bayona with the Maynar family, Pedro Lapetra and Águeda Lorente, at a snack at the house. 1969  

   In 1975, Cosuenda scheduled some events to inaugurate some important municipal works, and pay tribute to several benefactors of the town, among which the name “Pilar Bayona” was given to Ceida street, an honor that the pianist thanked with a concert in the Church.    
Pilar Bayona during her concert at the Church of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles of Cosuenda. September 1975  Pilar Bayona offering her concert in the church of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles of Cosuenda. September 1975
  In March 2016, Antonio Bayona and Julián Gómez donated the house, already in a state of deterioration, to the Cosuenda City Council. Shortly afterward it was demolished.  






  Hallway, view towards the entrance door to the house   Stairs  
  One of the main rooms, view towards the entrances to the sleeping compartments   Main room, view towards the corner between the balcony (closed) and the door to the elongated room  
  Other view of the main room   Elongated room, view towards the patio façade  
  Rear façade and partial view of the patio   Exterior view of rear façade, patio and shed